Homer Known Motif Enrichment Results (hs_Embryonicstemcells_H1_undef_H3K18AC_SRX212685_homermotifs_10_13_16)

Homer de novo Motif Results
Gene Ontology Enrichment Results
Known Motif Enrichment Results (txt file)
Total Target Sequences = 599, Total Background Sequences = 42959
RankMotifNameP-valuelog P-pvalueq-value (Benjamini)# Target Sequences with Motif% of Targets Sequences with Motif# Background Sequences with Motif% of Background Sequences with MotifMotif File SVG
1 C T G A C A G T C T G A A G T C C T A G G A C T A T C G G T A C HIF-1b(HLH)/T47D-HIF1b-ChIP-Seq(GSE59937)/Homer1e-4-9.506e+000.027179.013.19%3651.58.50%motif file (matrix) svg
2 T G A C G C T A T C G A T G C A A G T C A G T C C G T A A G T C C G T A C T G A G C T A G T A C RUNX2(Runt)/PCa-RUNX2-ChIP-Seq(GSE33889)/Homer1e-3-8.997e+000.027148.08.01%1945.94.53%motif file (matrix) svg
3 C A T G A G T C C T G A T G A C A T C G G A C T G T C A A G T C T A G C G A T C HIF2a(bHLH)/785_O-HIF2a-ChIP-Seq(GSE34871)/Homer1e-3-8.284e+000.030631.05.18%1106.52.57%motif file (matrix) svg
4 T A G C G C T A T C G A C T G A A G T C A G T C C T G A A G T C C G T A C T A G RUNX(Runt)/HPC7-Runx1-ChIP-Seq(GSE22178)/Homer1e-2-6.367e+000.156339.06.51%1687.13.93%motif file (matrix) svg
5 A C T G G A T C C T G A A T C G A G T C T A G C C T G A C G T A T A C G A G T C C T A G C A G T T C A G T C G A T G A C G A T C PAX5(Paired,Homeobox)/GM12878-PAX5-ChIP-Seq(GSE32465)/Homer1e-2-5.627e+000.261924.04.01%933.72.17%motif file (matrix) svg
6 A C T G G A T C G A C T A C T G A C G T C A T G A C T G A C G T A G C T C G A T RUNX-AML(Runt)/CD4+-PolII-ChIP-Seq(Barski_et_al.)/Homer1e-2-5.450e+000.261937.06.18%1667.23.88%motif file (matrix) svg
7 T C G A G C A T A C G T C T A G G T A C T C G A G C A T T G A C T C G A A C G T Chop(bZIP)/MEF-Chop-ChIP-Seq(GSE35681)/Homer1e-2-5.346e+000.261910.01.67%267.00.62%motif file (matrix) svg
8 A G C T G T C A C G T A A C G T A C G T C T G A T C A G A T G C Lhx2(Homeobox)/HFSC-Lhx2-ChIP-Seq(GSE48068)/Homer1e-2-5.049e+000.292022.03.67%872.72.03%motif file (matrix) svg
9 T G C A A G C T C A T G C G T A A G C T A C T G G A T C G T C A C G T A A G C T Atf4(bZIP)/MEF-Atf4-ChIP-Seq(GSE35681)/Homer1e-2-4.858e+000.314212.02.00%378.20.88%motif file (matrix) svg
10 C T A G C A T G A C G T A G T C G C T A A G C T A G T C A G C T T C A G C T G A A C T G C A T G G C A T A T G C C G T A THRa(NR)/C17.2-THRa-ChIP-Seq(GSE38347)/Homer1e-2-4.845e+000.314224.04.01%997.12.32%motif file (matrix) svg
11 T A C G T C G A G A C T A C T G C T G A A G T C T C A G G A C T T G A C C T G A Atf1(bZIP)/K562-ATF1-ChIP-Seq(GSE31477)/Homer1e-2-4.706e+000.314229.04.84%1289.73.00%motif file (matrix) svg