Homer Known Motif Enrichment Results (hs_DiffuseIntrinsicPont_DiffuseIntrinsicPont_undef_REF_SRX2009528_homermotifs_10_13_16)

Homer de novo Motif Results
Gene Ontology Enrichment Results
Known Motif Enrichment Results (txt file)
Total Target Sequences = 404, Total Background Sequences = 48751
RankMotifNameP-valuelog P-pvalueq-value (Benjamini)# Target Sequences with Motif% of Targets Sequences with Motif# Background Sequences with Motif% of Background Sequences with MotifMotif File SVG
1 A T C G A G T C A G T C G A C T A T G C C T G A C T A G A C T G T A C G G T A C C T G A C G A T AP-2gamma(AP2)/MCF7-TFAP2C-ChIP-Seq(GSE21234)/Homer1e-3-7.783e+000.151771.017.57%5747.811.79%motif file (matrix) svg
2 T G C A G T A C C G T A A T C G A C T G A C G T C T A G C G A T T C G A A G T C ZEB1(Zf)/PDAC-ZEB1-ChIP-Seq(GSE64557)/Homer1e-2-5.445e+000.786071.017.57%6288.112.90%motif file (matrix) svg
3 T C G A A G T C C G T A A T C G T A G C A C G T A C T G A G C T A C G T A G T C Ptf1a(bHLH)/Panc1-Ptf1a-ChIP-Seq(GSE47459)/Homer1e-2-5.433e+000.7860104.025.74%9866.620.24%motif file (matrix) svg